Establishing a Project Management Methodology (PMM) can actively assist the business to improve the bottom line by improving the way projects are sold and delivered.The key benefits are:
CapabilitiesWe can deliver a tailored Project Management Methodology (PMM) that really suits your business and includes the processes, the tools and the skills to ensure all business and IT projects are started and run professionally. We start by analysing how your business currently delivers projects and then developing a project and business rollout strategy, and a phased implementation plan that is tailored to the needs of your business. We usually recommend initially targeting quick wins followed by a series of small short and sharp phases to complete the rollout. We believe that by initially targeting quick wins we can ensure that your business gets some immediate benefits whilst helping to obtain buy-in from your staff and managers. The following phases We tailor the PMM to encompass the life cycle of a project within your organisation. For example the PMM would include: processes, forms and templates for taking an idea to a proposal, providing governance and stage gating, meaningful status reporting, estimating, planning, resourcing, execution management, risk management, scope management, financial management, resource management, training, communications, documentation, vendor management, organisational change management, handover to support group, project closure, lessons learnt and benefits realisation. We believe that a Project Management Methodology should also be pragmatic, easily scalable and easily used. A good PMM must cater for small, medium and large projects, business and IT projects and programs, capital intensive projects that have little manpower input, and work packages of collections of changes to existing applications or business processes. We also believe that for a Project Management Methodology to be successfully adopted and for the benefits to be truly realised that it requires a change in the culture of the organisation so that it becomes “Our Way of delivering projects”. To achieve this we undertake a comprehensive communications program, coupled with presentations and training and then follow it up by post rollout mentoring to ensure that staff and managers can actually use the PMM and use it correctly. “Making it happen”
“Making it happen”
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